Where Does the Term to Have Beef Come From

English [edit]

Etymology [edit]

From Eye English beef, bef, beof, borrowed from Anglo-Norman beof, Old French buef, boef ( " ox " ) (modern French bœuf); from Latin bōs ( " ox " ), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *gʷṓws. Doublet of moo-cow

Beef in the sense of "a grudge, argument" was originally an American slang expression:[one]

  • attested equally a verb "to complain" in 1888: "He'll beef an' boot like a steer an' let on he won't never wear 'em."— New York World, 13 May;
  • attested as a noun "complaint, protest, grievance, sim." in 1899: "He made a Horrible Beef because he couldn't get Loaf Sugar for his Coffee."—Fables in Slang (1900) past George Ade, page 80.

Every bit to the possible origin of this American usage, information technology has been suggested that it tin be traced back to a British expression for "alarm", commencement recorded in 1725:[2] "Beefiness 'to alarm, every bit To cry beef upon us; they have discover'd united states of america, and are in Pursuit of usa". The term "beef" in this context would be a Cockney rhyming slang of thief. The continuous utilise of a similar expression, including its causeless semantic shift to 'complaint' in the United States from the 1880s onwards, needs further clarification though.[three]

Pronunciation [edit]

  • ( General American ) IPA(primal): /bif/
  • ( Uk ) IPA(cardinal): /biːf/
  • Rhymes: -iːf

Noun [edit]

beef (countable and uncountable, plural beef or beefs or beeves)

  1. ( uncountable ) The meat from a cow, bull, or other bovine.
    Synonyms: cowflesh, oxflesh
    Hyponym: veal

    I love eating beefiness.

    1. ( in the meat industry, on product packaging ) The edible portions of a cow (including those which are not meat).
    2. ( by extension, slang, uncountable ) Musculus or musculature; size, strength or authority.

      Put some beefiness into it! We've got to get the car over the bump.

      We've got to become some beef into the enforcement provisions of that law.

    3. ( figuratively, slang, uncountable ) Essence, content; the important part of a document or project.
      Synonym: meat

      The beefiness of his paper was a long rant almost government.

  2. ( uncountable ) Bovine animals.
    • 2010 October 21, "Who's the real McCoy? Abilene's Joseph in 8 Wonders contest", in Abilene Recorder Chronicle:

      Notwithstanding, there were millions of caput of beef roaming the plains of Texas.

  3. ( primitive, countable, plural: beeves ) A single bovine (cow or bull) beingness raised for its meat.

    Exercise yous want to raise beeves?

    • 1791, Homer; W[illiam] Cowper, transl., "[The Iliad.] Volume XV.", in The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, Translated into Bare Poetry, [ ] , volume I, London: [ ] J[oseph] Johnson, [ ] , OCLC 779243096, lines 398–401, page 394:

      As when 2 lions in the ſtill night nighttime / An herd of beeves ſcatter or num'rous flock / Suddenly, in the abſence of the guard, / So fled the heartleſs Greeks, []

    • 1903 March, Henry Bricklayer Baum, Frederick Bennett Wright, George Frederick Wright, Records of the Past, volume II, role Three, page 87, translating the laws of Hammurabi:
      263. If he [i to whom a beef or sheep is loaned] ruins the beef or sheep that was loaned him, he is to return to the owner a beef for a beefiness and a sheep for a sheep.
    • 1920-1930, Photo in the North Dakota Country Museum:
      Cutting out a Beefiness for branding
  4. ( slang, uncountable or countable, plural: beefs ) A grudge; dislike (of something or someone); lack of religion or trust (in something or someone); a reason for a dislike or grudge. (often + with)

    He's got beef over what you lot said.

    He's got a beef with anybody in the room.

    Call back what happened last fall? That's his beef with me.

Derived terms [edit]


  • bovine

Translations [edit]

See also [edit]

  • beefwood

Verb [edit]

beefiness (3rd-person atypical simple present beefs, present participle beefing, elementary by and by participle beefed)

  1. ( intransitive ) To mutter.
  2. ( transitive ) To add together weight or force to.
    Synonym: beef up
    • 1969, Hot Rod (book 22, page 59)
      Offset off, the axle housing was beefed by welding areas where extreme loading is evident (black marked areas).
  3. ( intransitive, slang ) To fart; break wind.

    Ugh, who just beefed in here?

  4. ( African-American Colloquial, MLE, MTE, intransitive, slang ) To feud or hold a grudge against.

    Those ii are beefing right at present - best you stay out of information technology for at present.

  5. ( intransitive, chiefly Yorkshire ) To cry.

    David was lamentatory last nighttime after Ruth told him off.

  6. ( transitive, slang ) To fail or mess up.

    I beefed my presentation hard yesterday.

Derived terms [edit]

  • beef up
  • beef out

Describing word [edit]

beef (not comparable)

  1. Existence a bovine fauna that is being raised for its meat.

    Nosotros bought three beefiness calves this morn.

  2. Producing or known for raising lots of beef.

    beef farms

    beef state

  3. Consisting of or containing beefiness equally an ingredient.

    beef stew

  4. ( slang ) Beefy; powerful; robust.

    Wow, your audio setup is beef!


  • beefy

Translations [edit]

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Origin of the slang AmE and BrE usage of "beefiness"", in StackExchange[one], (delight provide a date or year)
  2. ^ The New Canting Dictionary: Comprehending All the Terms, Ancient and Mod, Used in the Several Tribes of Gypsies, Beggars, Shoplifters, Highwaymen, Foot-pads etc. London.
  3. ^ Michael Quinion (1996–2022), "Lamentatory", in World Wide Words.

Anagrams [edit]

  • Feeb, feeb

Afrikaans [edit]

Verb [edit]

beef (nowadays beef , present participle bewende, past participle gebeef)

  1. Alternative form of bewe

Dutch [edit]

Pronunciation [edit]

  • Rhymes: -eːf

Verb [edit]


  1. first-person singular present indicative of beven
  2. imperative of beven


Source: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/beef

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